
Who’s the Boss?

Who’s the Boss?

Who’s the Boss? “Reign of Christ Sunday” reminds us of the place of Christ not only in our own lives, but in the world – that ultimately it is Love who reigns. Join us Sunday morning, November 26th at 10:30am (or later) for online worship.   Read Matthew 25:31-46 and Ephesians 1:15-23 in preparation for Sunday’s sermon “Who’s the Boss?”…

How Shall We Live?

How Shall We Live?

How Shall We Live? The prophet Micah lays out succinctly and beautifully the life God’s people are called to lead – to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with God. Our whole lives – not just our financial gifts – are an offering to God. Read Micah 6:1-8 in preparation for this Sunday’s sermon, “How Shall We…

We Are the Body

We Are the Body

Growing Together: Week Seven“We are the Body” Join Pastor Jayde along with Pastor Michelle ONLINE this Sunday for worship! Jayde will wrap up the Growing Together Series with her sermon“We are the Body”Read 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 in preparation for the sermon.You can download the bulletin here.  **Sound for the livestream will be best if you can use headphones or play on…

Of Parables, Pearls and Possibilities

Of Parables, Pearls and Possibilities

The Never-Ending Story Join us as Pastor Michelle leads us, on this Consecration Sunday, in a discussion about another parable, the Parable of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl. Why does Jesus talk in such cloaked language? Why all these parables? Just spit it out, Jesus! And how many images do we need of God’s Kingdom anyway? As we zero…

The Fear of Risk

The Fear of Risk

Sharing Our Story Stewardship Series: Week 2 This Sunday, Pastor Jayde discusses the Parable of the Talents and stewardship as they relate to us in these modern times. How can we overcome our fears and trust in God to help us as we put our gifts to work to take care of others and do good in His name? Tune…

Trusting in God to See Us Through

Trusting in God to See Us Through

Sharing Our StoryStewarship Series Week 1 Do good.  Be rich in good works. Be generous and ready to share.I Timothy 6:18 NRSV Over the years, Lake Oswego United Methodist Church has taken on many challenges so we could grow in faith and ministry—such as when a small congregation bought land on South Shore Blvd. in 1959, then somehow found the…

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1855 South Shore Blvd, Lake Oswego, OR 97034

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Monday through Thursday
9:00am until 3:00pm

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