Tag: redemption

We Hope: Advent 4

We Hope: Advent 4

We Hope: Advent 4 This Sunday will be the Fourth Sunday in Advent. Mary’s song of praise is a song of defiant hope – that in the Christ Child there is something more than just OK news, but the definitive act of God to enter into our world to love it into redemption. Our hope is founded on the idea that…

What Am I Doing?

What Am I Doing?

What Am I Doing? Sometimes we want to ignore the reality of sin. It’s a word with a lot of baggage. But only in confronting the reality of sin in our own lives can we receive the Good News of forgiveness and redemption. Join us Sunday morning, July 9, at 10:00 (or any time after) for Pastor Clay’s sermon “What…

A Story of Redemption

A Story of Redemption

A Story of Redemption Do you remember the story of Zacchaeus from Sunday School? It’s a simple story of the ‘wee little man’ who meets Jesus, but (seemingly) simple stories are often surprisingly complex. The story Zacchaeus reminds us that we all stand in need of redemption, and that we are never far removed from God’s love. Read Luke 19:1-10…

The Upside Down

The Upside Down

The Upside Down The Parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man Although this parable is set in the afterlife, it’s about the here and now. The Kingdom of God is an upside down kind of place where the wealthy and powerful find themselves at the bottom of the heap and the lowly are lifted up and blessed. Read Luke 16:19-31 in…

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