Transformed by Grace “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me…” Pastor Steve Sprecher will focus on God’s amazing grace this Sunday in his sermon Transformed by Grace. Read Mark 4:35-41 and Matthew 17:1-8 in preparation for Sunday .Join us live online at 9:00 on Sunday, February 19. You can download the bulletin in advance 9:00 Bulletin
Impossible Continuing the discussion of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, Pastor Clay will tackle Matthew 5:21-37 and 1 Corinthians 3:1-9. Read the scriptures ahead of time, if you have a chance, to prepare for Pastor Clay’s sermon, “Impossible.” Join us online at 9:00 on February 12 or after. You can download the bulletin from the February 9 or 12 QuickNews.
How to Be a Faithful Nation This Sunday Pastor Clay continues his discussion of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. Being the “salt of the earth” and the “light of the world” …what does that mean?! Read Matthew 5:13-20 and Isaiah 58:1-12 in preparation for Sunday’s sermon, How to Be a Faithful Nation. Join us live at 9:00 on Sunday, February 5,…
Losers and Fools This morning we will enjoy having our whole church family together in our 5th Sunday Combined worship at 10:00. Read Matthew 5:1-12 and 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 in preparation for Sunday’s sermon, Losers and Fools.We will hear The Beatitudes. These statements of characteristics and blessing, introduce and set the tone for Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount and His ministry. Join us in…
Called Together As Jesus started His ministries in Galilee, he began to call his disciples who dropped everything to follow Him. They were not theologians or scholars, but fishermen, and yet He chose them to become “fishers of men.” Anyone can follow Jesus. How are you called to follow Him? Read Mathew 4:12-23 and 1 Corinthians 1:10-18 in preparation for Sunday’s sermon,…
Again and Again and Again The Baptism of Jesus…This Sunday we will remember our own baptisms as we celebrate the Baptism of Jesus. Read Matthew 3:13-17 in preparation for Sunday’s sermon, “Again and Again and Again.” Join us online at 9:00. You can download the bulletin from the January 12 or 15 QuickNews.
Strange Gifts ‘Epiphany’ The word comes from the Greek word meaning ‘to reveal’, as when the baby Jesus was ‘revealed’ to the world. On Epiphany we celebrate how a star led the Magi – also known as the Three kings or the Wise Men – to the baby Jesus after his birth to bring him gifts. Join us Sunday as we…
The One We Need The Messiah is born! He may not be what we expect, or even what we want, but Christ is exactly what this aching, weary world needs. Read Luke 2:1-20 in preparation for worship. You can download the bulletin from the December 22 QuickNews.
A Disruptive Peace The peace promised by the Messiah is one that disrupts the normal order. The Pax Romana constrained conflict by force. God’s peace is a holistic and healing, not violently enforced, but disrupting the power of the empires and powers of our world. Read Matthew 1:18-25 in preparation for Sunday’s sermon, “A Disruptive Peace.” Join us at 9:00…
A Peculiar Sort of Joy The holidays are joyful – and we need more joy these days! But divine joy is not rooted in happiness, it is rooted in justice and wholeness. Divine joy is always communal rather than personal. Read Matthew 11:2-11 and ILuke 1:46-55 in preparation for this Sunday’s sermon, “A Peculiar Sort of Joy.” Join us at…
Love is Weird We talk about love ALL THE TIME. Especially as we head toward Christmas. And well we should. But the love we celebrate at Christmas is not always an easy or convenient love. It is a radical love that changes our lives when we receive it. Read Matthew 3:1-12 and Isaiah 11:1-10 in preparation for this Sunday’s sermon,…
A Strange Hope Isaiah and Paul both remind us that, as people of faith, we live in hope. But the hope to which we are called is not like hoping to give or receive a great gift. It is a hope for a world that looks radically different than the world we live in. But that dream of a transformed…