Worship Services

“Lessons from a Pilgrimage 1: All by Yourself, but Never Alone”

“Lessons from a Pilgrimage 1:All by Yourself, but Never Alone“ Our spirital journey is one we make by ourself, but we are always surrounded by a community who guides, inspires, and supports us. Join us Sunday morning, September 17, at 10:30 or any time after for the livestream. Read Hebrews 11:32-12:2 & Philippines 1:1-8 in preparation for Sunday’s sermon “Lessons from…

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We’ve Got Work to Do

We’ve Got Work to Do In the early days of his ministry, Jesus preaches in his hometown synagogue and lays the foundational vision for the Kingdom – creating a world where justice is the rule, and love is the guide. This passage can be a good guideline for the life of our congregation. How will we know if we’re doing…

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Who and Why?

Who and Why? Our faith in Christ is rooted in the person and work of Jesus of Nazareth. That might seem obvious, but reminding ourselves regularly who it is that we follow, and why we participate in a faith community, is a necessary grounding experience. Remembering who we follow, and why, sustains us from the transformative journey of faith. Join…

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The Time is Near

The Time is Near This week we will be collaboratively exploring time, calls, and courage. We get so caught up in our routines and to-do lists, it’s easy to miss the most important things to which God calls us. As we build upon Clay’s discussion last week on fear, love and God’s presence, join us ready to take the next steps as we…

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Ghosts and Darkness

Ghosts and Darkness We can be a fearful people – terrified at the prospect of death, fearful of the future, hiding from ghosts and panicking in the midst of storms. But Jesus comes to his fearful disciples, even in the midst of their fear. Notably, in this story Jesus doesn’t calm the storm, but meets the disciples in the middle…

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Feasts Jesus feeds a huge and hungry crowd. God invites the impoverished to a beautiful feast. Over and over again, Scripture shows us that God is a God of abundance. What would it look like to live as people of abundance? And who needs to be invited to the feast? Join us Sunday August 6 at 10:00am (or any time…

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Just a Little Bit

Just a Little Bit Jesus tells three short parables about something little, and often hidden or overlooked, having an outsized impact. God’s work in our world often begins in small, unseen ways, but grows into life-changing encounters with divine love. Join us Sunday morning, July 30, at 10:00 (or any time after) for Pastor Clay’s sermon “Just a Little Bit.” …

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Waiting (Not So) Patiently

Waiting (Not So) Patiently We often want to see immediate results, instant karma. But God works on a different time scale and discipleship in the Way of Jesus means learning patience and trust in God’s movement in the world. And we’re not usually very good at patience.Join us Sunday morning, July 23, at 10:00 (or any time after) for Pastor…

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Slinging Gospel Seed

Slinging Gospel Seed The Parable of the Sower flies in the face of our normal mindset of scarcity. We’ve been taught to be careful with our resources, but some resources – God’s love especially – are meant to be used wastefully. Join us Sunday morning, July 16, at 10:00 or any time after, for Pastor Clay’s sermon “Slinging Gospel Seed.” …

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What Am I Doing?

What Am I Doing? Sometimes we want to ignore the reality of sin. It’s a word with a lot of baggage. But only in confronting the reality of sin in our own lives can we receive the Good News of forgiveness and redemption. Join us Sunday morning, July 9, at 10:00 (or any time after) for Pastor Clay’s sermon “What…

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9:00am until 3:00pm

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