“How Will We Talk to One Another”
With the Olympics and the ceaseless commentary, the Presidential Debates, the Political Parties’ Conventions, and the coming Presidential Election people are talking but how are they talking and what are they trying to do with their talking? How Does Paul say we should talk with and to one another? In this polarized time we live in, can there be honest and helpful discourse, debate, and dialogue or are we so far gone that all we can do is scream at each other our truths without a care for the thoughts and ideas of others? How do I, as a Christian, participate in discourse, debate, and dialogue?
Join us live at 10:00 on August 11 or watch the replay any time after. Download the bulletin from the August 8 or 11 QuickNews on the News page. Read Read John 6:35, 41-51 and Ephesians 4:25-5:2 in preparation for Sunday’s sermon, “How Will We Talk to One Another.”