Could & Should
The prophet Isaiah reminds the people of Israel what can and will be – that God is moving to bring the fullness of life to the people. Jesus uses a strange illustration about a fig tree to remind his disciples of God’s sustaining grace. And in the midst of trials and tribulations, we are reminded that it may feel like everything is collapsing, but God is ever at work to help us image and labor for a world of abundant goodness for all.
Read Isaiah 55:1-9 and Luke 13:1-9 in preparation for Sunday’s sermon. Join us on Sunday, March 23 at 9:00, or any time after to view the livestream or video of “Could & Should.”
The bulletin for the service can be downloaded from the March 23 QuickNews on the News page on our website.
Image: Vine Dresser and the Fig Tree, ca. 1896-1894, James Tissot