The Discipline of Simplicity

In continuing the series on the Celebration of Discipline, Pastor Michelle discusses the Discipline of Simplicity. What would it mean if we could simplify our lives to free us from anxiety and worry? How can we simplify in our modern age?

Read this part of the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 6: 25-33 and hear what Pastor Michelle has to say in her sermon, prayers and music choices!

Check out these suggested online and local resources for help simplifying your own life:

Simplify Magazine: Becoming Minimalist

Clear Your Head With These 14 Minimalists Blogs

Richard Foster’s book
Celebration of Discipline
Kathi Lipp’s book
Clutter Free

Consignment Shops
Simply Posh and Posh Jewelry (Lake Oswego)
Consigning Women
Refinery Boutique, Oregon
Women’s On-Line Consigning
Oswego Trading Company
Vietnam Veterans of America You can schedule online, and they will pick up from you! You don’t need to be home! Website has all the information, items just need to be labeled and small and light enough for one person to easily lift and carry. Their website lists in detail all types of donations they take.
With Love Located conveniently in Tigard; Donations of clothing, toys, books, baby gear, for children ages 0-6. Their program helps foster families and children with necessary items and resources. Drop off hours Monday and Friday 11am-1pm (closed Labor Day)
The ARC of Multnomah-Clackamas This program provides advocacy, support and services to children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. Their donation location is in north Portland. Their website has very detailed lists on what type of items they will accept and what they will NOT accept.
Canby Kiwanis Club Their international motto is “serving the children of the world”. Their volunteering and fundraising activities are directed to programs that help young people. They recently donated $50,000 to sponsor the children’s area at the new Canby library. Donation days/times are Monday-Saturday 10am-4pm.

1 Comment

  • Cassie
    Posted August 30, 2020 7:44 pm 1Likes

    Thank you for meaningful and timeless reminder to live more simply. Hearing Nina and Naomi was beautiful and poignant.

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