
Visions and Prayers

Visions and Prayers

Visions and Prayers How should we pray? How does God speak to us – as individuals and as a community? God has a vision for us – a life of wholeness and abundance. But to receive what God offers, we have to be willing to let go of what we think we already have. Read Joel 2:28-32 & Luke 18:9-14…

How Should We Pray?

How Should We Pray?

How Should We Pray? Jesus teaches his disciples how to pray, and we’ve been praying those familiar words in the 20 centuries since. But there’s more in this passage, and some interesting questions about the nature and purpose of prayer. Read Luke 11:1-13 in preparation for this Sunday’s sermon, “How Should We Pray?”   Join us at 9:30 on Sunday…

All the Good: Prayer in Wesley’s Words and Practices

All the Good: Prayer in Wesley’s Words and Practices

All the Good: Prayer in Wesley’s Words and Practices Join Bob Pearson this Sunday at 9:00am for Sunday worship! It is the Second Sunday of Advent and we will be lighting the Advent Candle of Love and Grace! Bob will continue the Advent sermon series, “All the Good, A Wesleyan Way of Christmas.” In preparation for Bob’s sermon “All the…

Wrestling Match

Wrestling Match

“The Practice of Prayer in Difficult Times….and BeyondWeek 2: Wrestling Match” Join Pastors Michelle and Jayde this Sunday at 9:30am on the Front Porch for Sunday worship.Read Genesis 32: 22-32 in preparation for the sermon.You can download the bulletin here if you are watching online. Click here for a handout mentioned by Pastor Michelle at the end of the service We celebrate…

Apple of My Eye

Apple of My Eye

The Practice of Prayer in Difficult Times… and BeyondWeek 1: Apple of My Eye I call on you, O God, for you will answer me…Keep me as the apple of your eyehide me in the shadow of your wings~Psalm 17: 6, 8 Join Pastors Michelle and Jayde this Sunday at 9:30am on the Front Porch (Bring Your Own Chair!!) for Sunday worship.Read Psalm…

Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth Week 1

Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth Week 1

Introduction and The Discipline of Prayer Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up… ~Luke 18: 1 This Sunday, Pastor Michelle introduces the sermon series Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth. She and Pastor Jayde will be preaching over the coming six weeks on assorted disciplines, based…

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1855 South Shore Blvd, Lake Oswego, OR 97034

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Monday through Thursday
9:00am until 3:00pm

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