


Flourishing There’s a lot going on this week – Trinity Sunday, Peace with Justice Sunday, Older Americans Month, and a promotion of a new Resilient Aging workshop series. Whew! But ALL of these remind us that God’s hope for us is to flourish – not just to survive, but to live vibrantly, joyfully, and meaningfully. Join us live at 10:00…

I Believe in the Light: Illuminating Peace

I Believe in the Light: Illuminating Peace

Join Pastor Jayde as she, and one of our church families, light the Advent candle of peace. As we draw closer to Christmas eve, we focus on peace and light. Read Isaiah 9: 2-7 and John 1: 1-14 in preparation for Sunday’s sermon, I Believe in the Light: Illumination Peace.  Permission to stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE, License #…

Palm Sunday Worship

Palm Sunday Worship

We Make the Road By Walking: A Narrative that Never Gets Old Welcome to Online Worship You can keep this order of worship open in another tab on your computer or print a copy to follow along. A Palm Sunday Call to Worship Bob Pearson This is the day that the Lord has made:     let us rejoice and be glad in…

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1855 South Shore Blvd, Lake Oswego, OR 97034

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Monday through Thursday
9:00am until 3:00pm

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