The Dougy Center
“Supporting Grief in Our Community”
March 3, 2020. Alysha Lacey, L.P.C., A.T.R., presented “Supporting Grief in our Community,” at the Community Changemakers Speaker Series on Tuesday, March 3.

The Dougy Center
“Supporting Grief in Our Community”
March 3, 2020. Alysha Lacey, L.P.C., A.T.R., presented “Supporting Grief in our Community,” at the Community Changemakers Speaker Series on Tuesday, March 3.
The loss of a loved one is certainly one of the most life altering experiences each of us goes through. It puts us in a “neutral zone,” or place of uncertainty. Good ‘Death,’ Good Grief will touch on life, death and loss. You might like to read Acts 9: 10-19 and Psalm 107: 13-14 and consider the questions below in preparation for worship.…