
What We Could Be

What We Could Be

What We Could Be It’s easy for us to imagine going back to the ‘good old days’ – a time we imagine as simpler, more faithful, and better. Followers of Jesus are susceptible to this idea – that with each passing year we stray farther from the faith and success of our ancestors. But, of course, our ideas about how good…

Dirty Words

Dirty Words

Dirty Words The Pharisees and Scribes confront Jesus about the disciples not properly washing their hands. Jesus turns the tables on them (of course) and challenges their understanding of sin and holiness. Jesus teaches that it is our own hearts that are the source of sin, not something outside of us that defiles us. Humans love to focus on the…

Just Plain Saints

Just Plain Saints

Just Plain Saints When Scripture speaks of the ‘saints’ we might imagine the well-known heroes of the faith. And of course the lives of these saints can be inspiring. But the saints of our tradition are also all of the faithful ancestors who have come before us. More than that, WE are saints – those called by God to lives…

Who and Why?

Who and Why?

Who and Why? Our faith in Christ is rooted in the person and work of Jesus of Nazareth. That might seem obvious, but reminding ourselves regularly who it is that we follow, and why we participate in a faith community, is a necessary grounding experience. Remembering who we follow, and why, sustains us from the transformative journey of faith. Join…

Just a Little Bit

Just a Little Bit

Just a Little Bit Jesus tells three short parables about something little, and often hidden or overlooked, having an outsized impact. God’s work in our world often begins in small, unseen ways, but grows into life-changing encounters with divine love. Join us Sunday morning, July 30, at 10:00 (or any time after) for Pastor Clay’s sermon “Just a Little Bit.” …

What Are We Doing? How to Worship Faithfully

What Are We Doing? How to Worship Faithfully

What Are We Doing? How to Worship Faithfully Pastor Clay continues his Eastertide “how-to” series this Sunday with a sermon about worship.  Read Acts 1:1-11 and Amos 5:21-24 in preparation for Sunday’s sermon, “What Are We Doing? How to Worship Faithfully.” Join us live on Sunday, May 21 at 9:00 (or watch any time after). You can download the bulletin from the May…

Faithful Thomas

Faithful Thomas

Faithful Thomas Did you know Easter is not just one day? It is an entire season in the church! It begins on the evening of Easter Sunday and ends on Pentecost. Easter Season is a time we continue to learn to live in the way of Jesus and to focus on the mysteries of our faith. This Sunday we will learn about Thomas,…

What a Difference Authentic Faith Makes

What a Difference Authentic Faith Makes

What a Difference Authentic Faith Makes Rev. Danna Drum will be kicking off the sermon series “Authentic” for August with What a Difference Authentic Faith Makes based on Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16. Danna and Rev. Steve Sprecher will offer Holy Communion as well. Read Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16 in preparation for this Sunday’s sermon, What a Difference Authentic Faith Makes.   Join us…

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