Week 1 of the series
“Church: A Community Called for the Future”

Pastors Jayde and Michelle are excited to begin a new 5-week sermon series entitled “Church: A Community Called for the Future” this Sunday!

Join us for the next 5 weeks for our regular sermons. Then, during connection time after worship, delve deeper with us as we unpack the sermon, screen share a related weekly video, and engage in hearty discussion about both!
More about the series in a moment!

This Sunday, join Pastor Michelle as she introduces us to the bright future and possibilities before the church and how important it is to be open to new opportunities, changes and ideas.

Read Genesis 18:1-15 in preparation for Sunday’s sermon, “A Church of Infinite Possibilities (Painting Outside the Lines and Why)”.

Check your QuickNews for the Zoom link for the Video and Discussion beginning at about 10:15 each of the next 5 Sundays!

More on the Series!

Church: A Community Called For the Future

Well before COVID-19 and isolation became our reality, I know many of you were fearing the decline of the Church. Church isn’t what it used to be when it comes to Sunday numbers and dollars. We know that many of you are concerned about what the pandemic will mean for our own church.
But, take heart! The God who calls us is still at work among us and in the world and God is inviting us to be a part of this work.

Over the next 5 weeks, we will dive into a vision of life for the Church. Our series is titled, “Church: A Community Called for the Future.” Crafted from Bishop C. Andrew Doyle’s book, Church: A Generous Community Amplified for the Future, we will look at what the Church has done in the past, celebrate what we need to celebrate, grieve where need to grieve, move forward by keeping what is essential and leaving behind what is detrimental. Only then will the church be able to capture the vision of life that God has in store for us.
Just as God invites us into the world to work for love and grace, we invite you into this season where we will lean into places of life, of hope, of transformation. And so, we have three invitations for you during this series:

  1. To help us experience the connection we all long for, join us for worship at 9:30 on Sunday mornings. If you can, watch on Facebook so you can engage with the community throughout the service.
  2. Directly following worship, join us for an hour to dive into the theme of that day’s sermon. We will watch a film produced for that Sunday’s topic and then discuss it in small groups.
  3. Order a copy of Bishop Doyle’s book and read it along with the series.
    Church, God is still with us. God is still calling us. Let us come together to hear what the Spirit says.

Preaching and Conversation Schedule
January 17
“The Church of Possibilities: The Church that We See, Past, Present, and Future”
January 24
“Flourishing in Babylon: How We Show Up in the Crowd”
January 31
“The I Am of the Church: How We Will “Do” Evangelism”
February 7
“Eucharistic Community: How We Will Connect”
February 14
“Organic Church: How We Will Grow and Claim Our Journey”

Join us!
Pastor Jayde

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1855 South Shore Blvd, Lake Oswego, OR 97034

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Monday through Thursday
9:00am until 3:00pm

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