Their are many ways and places to talk to God. You can incorporate prayer into your daily life in many ways. Read Ecclesiasticus 38-27-32a, from the Apocrypha and Acts 20: 34-35 and consider the questions below in preparation for Pastor Michelle’s sermon, Work as Prayer.

Questions for Reflection:

1.  Talk about your life’s work/vocation (s).  How does/did it fill you up?  Drain you?   Describe the perfect ‘work.’ What labor would you perform without pay?

2.  One of my favorite Benedictine sisters, Joan Chittister (O.S.B) describes work as participation in creation.   Reflect on Chittister’s description of how monastics view labor:  Work is not for profit in the monastic mentality, work is for giving, not just for gaining, other people have a claim on what we do.  Work is not a private enterprise. Work is not to enable me to get ahead; the purpose of work is to enable me to get more human and to make my world more just.   
       ~Wisdom Distilled from the Daily:  Living the Rule of Saint Benedict Today
          John Chittister (O.S.B), Harper One, 1990

3.  Respond to today’s two texts. 

4.  Talk about the idleness. Talk about the dangers of work?

5.  How is work, prayer?  

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