When Faith and Politics Mix
Holy Vessels: A Lenten Season of Recovery and Discovery
Week 5

This Sunday we continue our Lenten season of recovery and discovery as we focus on our social environment. 

Like beach glass, tumbled and shaped to gain new value, we will focus on restoration, of ourselves and of our physical and social environment. How does our relationship with Jesus help us rediscover our sacred worth? How does it help us rediscover the sacred worth of others and of our physical environment? And how does it help us find the power to act for restoration in the world?

Join us Sunday at 9:00 as we continue our Lenten journey of recovery and discovery.

Read Genesis 9:8-15; Luke 19:1-10 in preparation for the Rev. Steve Sprecher’s sermon “When Faith and Politics Mix.”

You can download the bulletins from the latest QuickNews. Lent is a time to look inward. If you would like to delve further into our sermon subject each week, download the reflection pages from the QuickNews.

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