The loss of a loved one is certainly one of the most life altering experiences each of us goes through. It puts us in a “neutral zone,” or place of uncertainty.  Good ‘Death,’ Good Grief will touch on life, death and loss. You might like to read  Acts 9: 10-19 and Psalm 107: 13-14 and consider the questions below in preparation for worship.

Questions for Reflection:

  1.  Losses come in all shapes and sizes. The litmus test for our strength is often determined by confronting and managing smaller or everyday losses. Draw a timeline of personal and/or family losses. Which ones instructed you most and why?
  2. Reflect on the Apostle Paul’s loss and recovery in the text from Acts. Speak about his seemingly lightning speed transition and what he did with his encounter. What does/has transition embolden (ed) you to do? 
  3. Have you ever had a “Tuesday with Morrie” kind of friend (s). What would you write about your visits with them?  What does “good death” look like?
  4. Reflect on Michelle’s teaching on Saint John of the Cross. What does it mean to sit with your sorrow?  Does God always rescue us from pain?
  5. What are you at risk of losing today? How will/do you prepare?  What does “good grief” look like?

1 Comment

  • Pam Pearson
    Posted September 30, 2019 2:41 pm 0Likes

    Wonderful sermon. Thank you for helping me through my grief.

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