Pastor Michelle continues her sermon series called “The Contemporary Monastic” here with another discipline for Lent in “Week 2 – Humility: An Unpopular or Suspect Virtue.”

Read John 13: 1-17 & Selections from Philippians 2 and consider the questions below in preparation for the message.

Questions for This sermon (and beyond)

1. What are the greatest gifts in practicing humility? Talk about humility, spirituality freedom and community. What is pride gone awry? ( Wisdom Distilled from the Daily: Living the Rule of Saint Benedict Today by Joan Chittister)

2. Name some sources of pride in your life. In our many blessings, how do we balance pride with humility? Reflect on social media, ego and pride. How does it feel to be silent about our credentials or our random acts of kindness?

3. Reflect on the greatest lesson(s) in humility you have ever learned? These days, where does humility most elude you Name the challenges. What is the joy in self-denial and submission? (Philippians 2)

4. As a sign of love, mercy and/or forgiveness, whose feet do you most need to wash? Imagine what might happen in doing so. (John 13 text)

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