Events for January 2025

Summer Worship

Join us for worship at 10:00 each Sunday during the summer. We alternate between the Sanctuary and the Fellowship Hall depending on the music offerings that week, so look for us in either spot! Children will have Sunday school activities most weeks. They begin in worship with their parents and are dismissed after children’s time with the pastor. They will…

Summer Worship

Join us for worship at 10:00 each Sunday during the summer. We alternate between the Sanctuary and the Fellowship Hall depending on the music offerings that week, so look for us in either spot! Children will have Sunday school activities most weeks. They begin in worship with their parents and are dismissed after children’s time with the pastor. They will…

Lessons Learned in a Pandemic

Lessons Learned in a Pandemic

Youth Sunday! Come and learn from our youth this Sunday at 9:30am as they take over the pulpit for Youth Sunday! Read Joshua 1: 7-9 in preparation for the message on Sunday, “Lessons Learned in a Pandemic.”Let our youth inspire and impress you with their insights! You can download and/or print the bulletin here. The video will be live at 9:30am on Sunday morning…

Resurgence with the Psalms Series Week 3

Resurgence with the Psalms Series Week 3

“Jubilate!”Full Bodied Worshipwith a Psalm of Praise Delve into the Psalms with Pastor Michelle this Sunday at 9:30am during our Sunday Worship. Pastor Michelle will continue the June sermon series, Resurgence with the Psalms! Read Luke 19: 37-40and Psalm 100 in preparation for the sermon, Week 3: Jubilate! Full Bodied Worship with a Psalm of Praise.You can download and/or print the bulletin…

Celebration of Discipline: Week 6

Celebration of Discipline: Week 6

Rooted: How the Disciplines of the Faith Ground Us and Companion Us for a Hope-Filled Future Pastor Michelle and Pastor Jayde wrap up their 6-week series, this week, with a dialogical sermon where they discuss the spiritual disciplines and how they keep us Rooted; how they ground us and companion us for a hope-filled future. Read Jeremiah 17: 7-8, 14…

The Contemporary Monastic, Week 5: Worship – Responding to Divine Initiative and Entering with Holy Expectancy

The Contemporary Monastic, Week 5: Worship – Responding to Divine Initiative and Entering with Holy Expectancy

Pastor Michelle continues her Lenten Sermon Series, The Contemporary Monastic with Week Five, ” Worship: Responding to Divine Initiative and Entering with Holy Expectancy.”  If you subscribe to our QuickNews, you received a special Sunday Worship QuickNews on Sunday morning that included the order of worship. You can print it or keep it on another tab on your computer to follow along during the service! A variety of…

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1855 South Shore Blvd, Lake Oswego, OR 97034

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Monday through Thursday
9:00am until 3:00pm

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