Tag: stewardship

Where Our Treasure Is

Where Our Treasure Is

Where Our Treasure Is Scripture talks about possession more than any other subject. Why? Jesus gives us a good answer – where our treasure is, our hearts will be. That’s the inverse of how we often think of it – that we give support to the things we already love. Jesus’ challenging words invite us to see it the other…

How Shall We Live?

How Shall We Live?

How Shall We Live? The prophet Micah lays out succinctly and beautifully the life God’s people are called to lead – to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with God. Our whole lives – not just our financial gifts – are an offering to God. Read Micah 6:1-8 in preparation for this Sunday’s sermon, “How Shall We…

Trusting in God to See Us Through

Trusting in God to See Us Through

Sharing Our StoryStewarship Series Week 1 Do good.  Be rich in good works. Be generous and ready to share.I Timothy 6:18 NRSV Over the years, Lake Oswego United Methodist Church has taken on many challenges so we could grow in faith and ministry—such as when a small congregation bought land on South Shore Blvd. in 1959, then somehow found the…

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1855 South Shore Blvd, Lake Oswego, OR 97034

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Monday through Thursday
9:00am until 3:00pm

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