Love Is

Love Is

Love Is This Sunday our Youth are leading us in worship! Watch and enjoy their energy and insights! Join us live at 10:30 on May 5 or watch the replay any time after. Download the bulletin from the May 2 or May 5 QuickNews on the News page of our website. Read 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 and 1 Timothy 4:11-16 in preparation for Sunday’s sermon, “Love Is.”

A Well-Tended Life

A Well-Tended Life

A Well-Tended Life Hope Montgomery, the Program Director at Camp Magruder, will join us in worship to share a bit about our Conference Camp and Retreat Ministries. Camp and Retreat Ministries offer us the opportunity to step outside of our normal routines and communities to tend to our spiritual lives. A well-tended spiritual life bears goodness and love in the…

Truth and Action

Truth and Action

Truth and Action Christ’s resurrection invites us to act with love in a real way, not just with empty words and platitudes. Join us live at 9:00 on April 21, or watch the recording any time after. Read Acts 4:5-12 and 1 John 3:16-18 in preparation for Sunday’s sermon, “Truth and Action.” You can download the bulletins for worship from the…

The Biggest Joke in the Bible

The Biggest Joke in the Bible

The Biggest Joke in the Bible Anyone who claims God hates someone isn’t a prophet, they’re a joke. Thankfully, God always reaches to redeem and restore, even the jokes. Read 1 John 4:16b-21 and Jonah 1:1-15 in preparation for guest preacher Rev. Brian Mackey’s sermon, “The Biggest Joke in the Bible.”   Join us live at 9:00 on April 14, or watch the recording…

Into the Light

Into the Light

Into the Light God invites us to live fully as we have been created and called to be – fully in the Love of Resurrection Light – even with all our wounds, scars, quirks, gifts, graces, and foibles. So while the ham dinners, egg hunts, sunrise services, new outfits, and Easter gatherings with family and friends have passed, the freedom…

Easter Sunday: I Want to Tell You

Easter Sunday: I Want to Tell You

Easter Sunday: I Want to Tell You Christ is risen! We’ll gather to celebrate the Good News of Easter that death is overcome and Christ is alive and that in Christ’s Resurrection we are ourselves raised into new life. This service from our Sanctuary will include fantastic music and the joy of Easter Day. Join us live at 10:30 on…

Are We Fools?

Are We Fools?

Are We Fools? Jesus’ confrontation with the religious authorities as he cleanses the Temple, and Paul’s reminder that the Gospel can seem like foolishness, ought to leave us a little (or a lot!) unsettled. Are we complacent in our faith? Are we willing to risk being foolish for the Gospel? Join us this Sunday, February 25, for worship at 10:30…

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