John 21…and “the Many Other Things”

John 21…and “the Many Other Things”

John 21…and “the Many Other Things” “Now there are also many other things that Jesus did; if everyone of them were written down, I suppose the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.”     ~John 21: 25 Join us this Sunday as we worship together, and gather at the table for Holy Communion (have some…

A Conversation On the Land

A Conversation On the Land

A Conversation On the Landwith Rev. Todd Bartlett & Pastor Jayde In 2018, the Board of Camp and Retreat Ministries engaged our annual conference in a process to return land at our Wallowa Lake site to the Nez Perce Nation. We have asked the Reverend Todd Bartlett, Executive Director of OR-ID Camp and Retreat Ministries to help lead worship on…

To Pray Hosanna

To Pray Hosanna

To Pray Hosanna This Sunday we begin Holy Week with Jesus’ triumphant entrance into Jerusalem. We will celebrate with a processional including praise, song and waving of palms! As we approach Holy Week, what might our own cries of hosanna mean for us, our community, and our world? In worship we’ll lean into these questions and share communion together. Join us…

When Faith and Politics Mix

When Faith and Politics Mix

When Faith and Politics MixHoly Vessels: A Lenten Season of Recovery and DiscoveryWeek 5 This Sunday we continue our Lenten season of recovery and discovery as we focus on our social environment.  Like beach glass, tumbled and shaped to gain new value, we will focus on restoration, of ourselves and of our physical and social environment. How does our relationship with Jesus…

Intellectual Healing

Intellectual Healing

Intellectual Healing: Holy VesselsA Lenten Season ofRecovery and Discovery: Week 4 This Sunday we continue our Lenten season of recovery and discovery as we focus on intellectual healing. Our journey into the holy “wholeness of body, mind and spirit” sometimes is like walking on the beach barefoot. Occasionally a cut from broken glass or trash left by a careless neighbor…sometimes…

Stories that Hurt and Heal

Stories that Hurt and Heal

Stories that Hurt and Heal: Holy Vessels – A Lenten Season of Recovery and Discovery: Week 3 This Sunday we continue our Lenten season of recovery and discovery as we focus on mental health. Stories that we tell ourselves or those that have shaped us over the years, can both hurt and heal, either moving us forward or hijacking our…

Bound Together

Bound Together

Bound Together – Holy Vessels: A Lenten Season of Recovery and Discovery Week 2 This Sunday we continue our Lenten season of recovery and discovery today as we focus on health as essential to our spiritual lives. God gathers us as a Beachcomber gathers and marvels at every precious surviving piece of beach glass she finds. We are never alone,…

Tumbled Treasures

Tumbled Treasures

Holy VesselsA Lenten Season ofRecovery and Discovery Week 1:  Tumbled Treasures Beach glass begins as something whole and yet discarded. As it is tumbled by the sea, it is broken and polished until it becomes a treasured “mineral gem.”  We do not embrace that suffering is necessary or God-given, but that suffering is a part of life. Lent is a…

Listening for the Music

Listening for the Music

Listening for the Music: The Artists’ Studio “The heavens declare the glory of God; the firmament proclaims the work of his hands. Their voice goes out into all the earth, and their words, to the end of the world.”                   Psalm 19: 1, 4 Join us this Sunday in worship for our last sermon…

The Power of Story

The Power of Story

The Remarkable OrdinaryHow to Stop, Look, and Listen to Life: Week 2 The Power of Story Join us this Sunday at 9:00 as we continue the sermon series, “The Remarkable Ordinary: How to Stop, Look and Listen to Life.”Throughout this series we will strive to look at the ordinary things in life and celebrate the things around us and about us…

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Monday through Thursday
9:00am until 3:00pm

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