Worship Services

Worthy of the Calling

Worthy of the Calling: Sharing from the Youth Mission Trip Join us in worship as we welcome back our Youth Mission Team, hear stories from their week, and celebrate all that God does in and through us. Pauls’ letter to the Church in Ephesus reminds them to employ their God-given gifts for the sake of building community, in the Church and…

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More Than Leftovers

More Than Leftovers The miracle of the feeding of the 5000 is a well-known story, and one of our favorites. We love a good feast! What does this miracle story have to teach us about how we serve alongside our neighbors? What does it teach us about God’s design for how our societies should work?   Join us live at…

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Bring Healing

Bring Healing We know that Jesus was a healer of many – showing God’s love in making lives whole. If we are the Body of Christ, called and empowered to continue Christ’s ministry, how should we continue Jesus’ healing work? Is there such a thing as divine healing? Are we supposed to be like those icky televangelists in the 1980s?…

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Out of Plumb

Out of Plumb When things seems so off kilter – when lies are proclaimed as truth, when violence is seen as the way of peace, when professed followers of Jesus act like Caesar – how do we begin to set things right? How do we even know what right is? Amos’ vision of the plumb line – showing Israel how…

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When Nothing Works

When Nothing Works If Jesus himself sometimes has only limited success in ministry, what does that mean for us? If Paul finds himself struggling with a spiritual thorn in his flesh, what does that mean for us? This week’s readings challenge our notions of success and failure, and invite us to consider more deeply what it means to be faithful to…

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Two Daughters

Two Daughters In this week’s Gospel reading, Mark interposes two healing stories to highlight the breadth of God’s healing work. How does God heal today? What is the connection between being ‘healed’ and being ‘saved?’  And how does Jesus move in our midst to bring healing and wholeness to our world?   Join us live at 10:00 on June 30…

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Music Fest

Music Fest Music is the heartbeat of Christian worship – the rhythm and melody of our faith. And as Methodists, we have a rich heritage of music serving as a key part of our theological formation. This Sunday we’ll be celebrating and sharing from this deep history as we worship and sing together.   Join us live at 10:00 on…

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Little Things

Little Things What good can we do, as small as we are in the face of the world’s problems? What can God possibly do with us? We might be tempted to think our work for justice means very little, and so is not worth what it costs us. But God is the One who loves to take small things and…

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Do Less, Be More

Do Less, Be More What do you think of when you hear “sabbath?” Perhaps you grew up with strict rules about what was not allowed on Sundays. Or maybe, outside of attending worship, very little was different about Sunday than the rest of the week. But why does God make the commandment to “observe the sabbath and keep it holy”…

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The Use of Power

The Use of Power – Pentecost Pentecost celebrates the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the first followers of the Way of Jesus. This was the moment Jesus had promised when the followers would “receive power.” But then what? What did the early Church do with that power? And what does that say to us about how WE should use…

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1855 South Shore Blvd, Lake Oswego, OR 97034

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Monday through Thursday
9:00am until 3:00pm

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