Crossing the Jordan (If Rocks Could Talk)

As we continue travelling with the Israelites this week, Joshua leads them across the river Jordan into the promised land!

Read Joshua 1: 1-9; Joshua 3: 14-17; Joshua 4: 1-3, 9 as you prepare for this Sunday’s sermon, “Crossing the Jordan (If Rocks Could Talk).”

The songlist for this week’s worship is: “As the Deer,” by Martin Nystrom (TFWS #2025); “I Will Follow You,” by Chris Tomlin, Jason Ingram, & Reuben Morgan; “Land of Rest,” arranged by Kevin Bryant; “My Feet Are On the Rock,” by Josh Bronleewe, Matthew Hein, Lindsey Sweat & Abbie Parker.

Used by permission – CCLI License # 1221789

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