So You Wanna Go Back to Egypt??

Pastor Michelle continues her sermon series, Reset: A New Normal. Making Good Use of a Crisis Through the Narrative of Journey: An After Easter Series in Disquieting Times.

As we continue to follow the Israelites this week, they are tired of travelling and eating manna and are ready to head back to Egypt! Read Exodus 16: 1-5 and Numbers 11: 4-20 and be sure to have your communion elements (bread or crackers and some juice or wine) ready for virtual communion!

The songlist for this week’s worship will be “The Gift of Love” by Hal Hopson (UMH #408), “How Firm a Foundation” (UMH #529), “So You Wanna Go Back to Egypt” by Keith Green, and “Hungry” by Kathryn Scott.

Songs used by permission CCLI license #1221789

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