The Times They Are a Changing

This Sunday, Pastor Michelle begins a TIMELY NEW SERIES entitled RESET: A New Normal Making Good Use of a Crisis through the Narrative of Journey.
Join us over the next several weeks as we trek with the Israelites across the “never land-like” Judean wilderness. As we find ourselves in a similar place of wandering, we’ll make real life connections between the Israelites then and ourselves, now!

Where do you need a life RESET? Where does the church, our community, the world? Let’s learn together what we can as we enter “a NEW NORMAL” when it’s all said and done .

Many thanks to LOUMC choir director, Chris Rust for all of his music leadership. Thanks, also to his brother, Aaron Rust and choir members Julie Garvin, Kay Lutze and Pat Moffitt for their contributions.
CCLI license #1221789

1 Comment

  • Rick Goss
    Posted April 26, 2020 11:36 am 0Likes

    ❤️❤️❤️❤️👍REALLY enjoyed the message and the total presentation. The editing, composition, the entire package was a first-class job….very, very professional. I can’t say more praise to all envolved…thank you for this message…I cautiously advance into this life changing reset….believing that HE will be my guide…amen😷

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