It matters to us that our students have space to develop their faith and their own understanding of who they are and we do this through Sunday School, Youth Group, service projects, and worship participation. It is critical for the adults of the church to not only to teach out students, but to give them space to teach them. Our students provide leadership in our congregation in so many ways, but especially in community service and worship leadership. They are often the first to say yes and have incredible ideas of how to be the Church in a time such as this.
We have time to connect many Sunday mornings and evenings. Our students gather for conversation over scripture and how it is relevant in their everyday lives in Sunday School. On Sunday nights we gather to check-in with each other, to have fun, to have conversations about faith, and to try different faith practices. We have been focusing on ways we can lean into our faith and develop resiliency in this ever changing world. We’ve practiced mindfulness, contemplative prayer practices, and even cooking together! Whether we are online or in person at Sunday School and Youth Group students have space to ask questions, to engage their faith and doubts, and to be themselves. We enjoy Big Game Nights, Mystery Trips, having creative nights, service projects and going on hikes.
Our Students Have Big Hearts for Service! Our youth program is grounded in being the hands and feet of Christ in the world. Each spring our high school students hold a church wide fundraiser to fund their summer mission trip. These trips are never cost prohibitive due to the generosity of our church family and the hard work of these students. While most trips are local, we take a major road trip every four years! Last summer they headed to the Cookson Hills Center in Oklahoma to work in the community and help with updates to the center.
Want to know more? Contact Heidi at