Tag: Rev. Clay Andrew

Who You Truly Are

Who You Truly Are

Who You Truly Are The strange story of Jesus’ transfiguration might best be understood as a revelation – Jesus is not transformed into something new, but is revealed in the fullness of his divinity. The revelation of Jesus’ nature also points us to an understanding of what spiritual growth is – a revelation of who we truly are. Read Luke…

To Love, to Resist

To Love, to Resist

To Love, to Resist Jesus tells us to love our enemies. But does that mean to sit passively as they do harm to us and our neighbors? Or is Jesus inviting us to see a new way of living with our opponents? How are Christians called to confront the wrongs of this world with love? Read Luke 6:27-38 and Genesis 45:3-11,…

Hooray! (Oh…uh oh.)

Hooray! (Oh…uh oh.)

Hooray! (Oh…uh oh.) Hooray! (Oh… uh oh.) We love the blessings of God! And we love the stories of God raising up the outcast, and casting down the haughty. But what happens when we’re on the wrong side of the upside down Kingdom? What happens when Jesus speaks woe to us instead of blessings? Is there mercy for the villains…

Here We Are, Lord

Here We Are, Lord

Here We Are, Lord When we think of ‘call stories’ we might think of individuals called by God to a particular purpose – the prophets of the Hebrews, people called to a religious vocation, or maybe a story of personal salvation. And indeed, there is an abundance of these stories. But we often miss the fact that every individual call…

“Love and Truth (Can Get You in Trouble)”

“Love and Truth (Can Get You in Trouble)”

“Love and Truth (Can Get You in Trouble)” We’ve been sold a false notion of love – that love is about happy feelings and is reserved for a few special someones. But love is a divine gift, and its fullness and depth are transformative. But, of course, human beings resist transformation. We know that to be true in our own…

For the Common Good

For the Common Good

For the Common Good You’ve probably heard the passage from 1 Corinthians that highlights the variety of gifts among God’s people. You’ve maybe been part of a class or taken a quiz to discover which spiritual gift(s) you have. Buried in the middle of this passage is an important phrase that we might overlook – and it gives us the…

Beloved, Be Love

Beloved, Be Love

Beloved, Be Love Jesus’ baptism models what it means to be incorporated into the Body of Christ and into our belovedness. But just as Jesus’ baptism initiated his incarnational ministry, so our baptism calls us to ministry in the world in real and tangible ways. We are called to BE love in action. And one way that we embody love…

Mystery and Revelation

Mystery and Revelation

Mystery and Revelation On Epiphany Sunday, we celebrate the revelation of Christ to the nations. The Magi’s arrival, and their announcement of the kingship of Jesus, remind us that God’s work in Christ is for all people. As followers of Jesus, we seek to grow in Christ-likeness so that our lives reveal the Good News of God’s universal love. Read…

Not Like We Imagined

Not Like We Imagined

Not Like We Imagined: Christmas Eve 2024 Join us as we celebrate the Holy Night of Christ’s birth in song, story and candlelight. The events of Jesus’ birth may not have been what we imagined, but the story of God’s love come near is exactly what we need. Join us live at 7:30pm or watch the replay any time after.…

A New, Whole World

A New, Whole World

A New, Whole WorldAdvent 4 Mary, miraculously pregnant with Jesus, travels to her cousin Elizabeth, miraculously pregnant with John. In the joy of this encounter, Mary sings a prophetic song, celebrating God’s promise of justice in our world. In a world burdened by injustice, a woman on the fringes of “decent society” is the first to see the dawning of…

Upside Down, Inside Out

Upside Down, Inside Out

Upside Down, Inside Out Do you like roller coasters? The bigger and scarier, the better? Is following the Messiah, who comes to set the world right, a scary idea? Or is it comforting, knowing that God is at work? And why does John the Baptizer stand out in the wilderness telling people they’d better get ready? Join us live at…

A Compassionate God

A Compassionate God

A Compassionate God The second week of Advent invites us to hear the words of Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist. He proclaims God’s compassionate work to bring healing justice to the world. We often have a hard time imagining that the powers of the world could be displaced by a tenderly merciful God. But that is precisely the…

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