Tag: Lent

I Don’t Know

I Don’t Know

I Don’t Know Easter Sunday Celebrate the Risen Christ with Lake Oswego UMC! The service will be full of music and joy and we will celebrate Holy communion! Have some bread/crackers and juice/water/coffee ready so you can join us at the table. Read John 20:1-18 in preparation for Pastor Clay’s sermon “I Don’t Know.” Join us live at 9:00 on April 9…

Which Procession?

Which Procession?

Which Procession? This Sunday is Palm Sunday! We will wave palms and sing Hosanna, to commemorate the joyous celebration as Jesus entered Jerusalem. But Palm Sunday is only the beginning of a week filled with both great sorrow and great joy!    Read Matthew 21:1-11 in preparation for Pastor Clay’s sermon, “Which Procession?” Join us live at 9:00 on April 2 (or watch…

Dry Bones & New Life

Dry Bones & New Life

Dry Bones & New Life: The Four Pivots and the Future This Sunday, Rev. Clay Andrew and Rev. Danna Drum wrap up their sermon series based on the book “The Four Pivots.”  Pastor Clay will discuss Ezekiel and the dry bones.  Read John 3:1-8 and Ezekiel 37:1-14 in preparation for Pastor Clay’s sermon, “Dry Bones & New Life: The Four Pivots and…

All in Good Time

All in Good Time

All in Good Time This Sunday, Rev. Clay Andrew and Rev. Danna Drum wrap up their sermon series based on the book “The Four Pivots.”  This Sunday, Clay will discuss the death of Lazarus.  Read Romans 8:6-11 & John 11:1-6, 17-44 in preparation for Pastor Clay’s sermon, “All in Good Time.” Join us live at 9:00 on March 19 (or watch any…

Learning to (Truly) See

Learning to (Truly) See

Learning to (Truly) See This Sunday, Rev. Clay Andrew and Rev. Danna Drum continue their sermon series based on the book “The Four Pivots.”  We’ll hear about Jesus healing a man who was born blind. Read John 9:1-41 in preparation for Pastor Clay’s sermon, “Learning to (Truly) See.” Join us online at 9:00 on March 12.  You can download the bulletin from…

Where Everybody Knows Your Name

Where Everybody Knows Your Name

Where Everybody Knows Your Name This Sunday, Pastor Clay and Rev Danna Drum continue their sermon series based on the book “The Four Pivots” which is focused on changes that need to happen to allow the church (and other organizations) to more effectively serve their mission.  This Sunday, we’ll hear about Jesus and the woman at the well. Read John 4:5-30, 39-42 in…

A Mirror for the Journey

A Mirror for the Journey

A Mirror for the Journey This Sunday, Rev. Clay Andrew and Rev. Danna Drum begin a 4 week sermon series on a book called “The Four Pivots” that is focused on changes that need to happen to allow the church (and other organizations) to more effectively serve their mission.  This Sunday, Jesus is tested in the wilderness. Read Genesis 12:1-9 and Matthew 4:1-11…

To Pray Hosanna

To Pray Hosanna

To Pray Hosanna This Sunday we begin Holy Week with Jesus’ triumphant entrance into Jerusalem. We will celebrate with a processional including praise, song and waving of palms! As we approach Holy Week, what might our own cries of hosanna mean for us, our community, and our world? In worship we’ll lean into these questions and share communion together. Join us…

When Faith and Politics Mix

When Faith and Politics Mix

When Faith and Politics MixHoly Vessels: A Lenten Season of Recovery and DiscoveryWeek 5 This Sunday we continue our Lenten season of recovery and discovery as we focus on our social environment.  Like beach glass, tumbled and shaped to gain new value, we will focus on restoration, of ourselves and of our physical and social environment. How does our relationship with Jesus…

Intellectual Healing

Intellectual Healing

Intellectual Healing: Holy VesselsA Lenten Season ofRecovery and Discovery: Week 4 This Sunday we continue our Lenten season of recovery and discovery as we focus on intellectual healing. Our journey into the holy “wholeness of body, mind and spirit” sometimes is like walking on the beach barefoot. Occasionally a cut from broken glass or trash left by a careless neighbor…sometimes…

Stories that Hurt and Heal

Stories that Hurt and Heal

Stories that Hurt and Heal: Holy Vessels – A Lenten Season of Recovery and Discovery: Week 3 This Sunday we continue our Lenten season of recovery and discovery as we focus on mental health. Stories that we tell ourselves or those that have shaped us over the years, can both hurt and heal, either moving us forward or hijacking our…

Bound Together

Bound Together

Bound Together – Holy Vessels: A Lenten Season of Recovery and Discovery Week 2 This Sunday we continue our Lenten season of recovery and discovery today as we focus on health as essential to our spiritual lives. God gathers us as a Beachcomber gathers and marvels at every precious surviving piece of beach glass she finds. We are never alone,…

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