Tag: communion

Bigger Than Us

Bigger Than Us

Bigger Than Us World Communion Sunday is a celebration of the global Church – a reminder of the gift of the variety of cultures, languages, and peoples of the church. In the rich tapestry of the Church, we can see God’s desire for our world – an interwoven community where our diversity is the very source of our strength and…

Are We Fools?

Are We Fools?

Are We Fools? Jesus’ confrontation with the religious authorities as he cleanses the Temple, and Paul’s reminder that the Gospel can seem like foolishness, ought to leave us a little (or a lot!) unsettled. Are we complacent in our faith? Are we willing to risk being foolish for the Gospel? Join us this Sunday, February 25, for worship at 10:30…

“Filtering Out the Noise”

“Filtering Out the Noise”

“Filtering Out the Noise“ Rev. Barbara Nixon will be leading us in worship this Sunday. Barbara is a retired pastor who has served United Methodist churches in Oregon and Idaho. Barbara has a passion and gift for helping folks connect with their faith in vibrant, life-giving ways. We will celebrate Holy Communion, so please have some bread or crackers and…

“To Be Revealed”

“To Be Revealed”

To Be Revealed This Sunday is Epiphany. The magi bring gifts to the Christ Child and their gifts reveal him as Lord of all. Join us this Sunday for worship from the Sanctuary at 10:30 or any time after.  Read Matthew 2:1-12 and Ephesians 3:1-12 in preparation for Sunday’s sermon “To Be Revealed.”  You can download the bulletins from January 4 or January 7 QuickNews…

Youth Sunday 2023

Youth Sunday 2023

Youth Sunday 2023 This Sunday we have the special pleasure of learning from our Youth! They have been working hard to prepare a meaningful worship service with special music and communion for us! Remember this is a combined service at 10:00am in the Sanctuary! Read John 10:1-10 and Psalm 23 in preparation for sermonettes by seniors Camden Cook and Madeline Kramer. Join…

A Moveable Feast

A Moveable Feast

A Moveable Feast This Sunday we welcome Pastor Clay to LOUMC in a big way! We are excited to show him all that we have to offer here at LOUMC! We will begin worship in the Fellowship Hall, at 9:30am, with music by the Praise Band and special music (by Camden Cook) followed by an interview of Pastor Clay. Then,…

Pentecost 2022

Pentecost 2022

Pentecost Join us this Sunday at 9:30am, as Pastor Jayde preaches her last sermon at LOUMC.  We will be celebrating Pentecost and Holy Communion as well as the final days of our two wonderful pastors, Jayde and Michelle, and our Music Director, Gary Young. Read Acts 2:1-21: Many Voices,  in preparation for this week’s sermon. You can download the bulletin from our…

What’s Got Your Attention?

What’s Got Your Attention?

What’s Got Your Attention? Tea, Money, & A Call to the Present Join us this Sunday at 9:00 as Pastor Jayde begins the new sermon series, “The Remarkable Ordinary: How to Stop, Look and Listen to Life.”Throughout this series we will strive to look at the ordinary things in life and celebrate the things around us and about us that are…

“Warm is the New Cool”

“Warm is the New Cool”

Growing Together Week FourFueling a Warm Community“Warm is the New Cool” Join Pastors Michelle and Jayde ONLINE this Sunday at 9:30am for Sunday worship! Pastor Michelle will continue the Growing Together Series with her sermon “Warm is the New Cool”Read Luke 2:41-52 in preparation for the sermon.You can download the bulletin here.This Sunday is also World Communion Sunday! We will share the table with Christians all over the world! Please…

Beyond Conjunctions

Beyond Conjunctions

The book of Lamentations is a hard pill to swallow. What’s behind all the poet’s ranting? Is there any hope? Perhaps we need to look “Beyond the Conjunctions…” Read Lamentations 3: 19-26 in preparation for the sermon. World Communion Sunday offers congregations a distinctive opportunity to experience Holy Communion in the context of the global community of faith. The first Sunday of October…

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1855 South Shore Blvd, Lake Oswego, OR 97034
[email protected]

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Monday through Thursday
9:00am until 3:00pm

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