Lunch Bunch
Lunch Bunch
Join the Lunch Bunch crowd for a lovely lunch with friends! Please let Nan Olson ( know that you plan to attend so she can plan for enough food! Hope to see you February 26 at 12:00pm!
Join the Lunch Bunch crowd for a lovely lunch with friends! Please let Nan Olson ( know that you plan to attend so she can plan for enough food! Hope to see you February 26 at 12:00pm!
Join us Tuesdays in Lent at 6:00pm! We start with a simple soup supper. At 6:45 we move into the Sanctuary for My Best Song. This is a twist on "My Best Thought"; folks will share a reflection on a song that is meaningful to them. That song could be sacred or it could be secular. It could be a…
We will celebrate the life of Peg Lofsvold at 1:00pm on March 1 in the Sanctuary and online. A reception will follow in the Fellowship Hall.
Join us Tuesdays in Lent at 6:00pm! We start with a simple soup supper. At 6:45 we move into the Sanctuary for My Best Song. This is a twist on "My Best Thought"; folks will share a reflection on a song that is meaningful to them. That song could be sacred or it could be secular. It could be a…
Join us Tuesdays in Lent at 6:00pm! We start with a simple soup supper. At 6:45 we move into the Sanctuary for My Best Song. This is a twist on "My Best Thought"; folks will share a reflection on a song that is meaningful to them. That song could be sacred or it could be secular. It could be a…
Join us Tuesdays in Lent at 6:00pm! We start with a simple soup supper. At 6:45 we move into the Sanctuary for My Best Song. This is a twist on "My Best Thought"; folks will share a reflection on a song that is meaningful to them. That song could be sacred or it could be secular. It could be a…
Join us as we celebrate the risen Christ! We will have a Sunrise service at Foothills Park in Lake Oswego at approximately 6:30am. Dress warmly and bring a flashlight! Then we will have our contemporary worship at 9:00 in the Fellowship Hall with our Praise Band, followed by our Traditional service at 10:30 with choir, handbells and organ music! The…
Join us at sunrise (about 6:30am) at Foothills Park in Lake Oswego for an uplifting, acoustic Easter sunrise service! Dress warmly and bring a flashlight as we welcome the dawn and praise the risen Christ! We hope you can join us!