December 9, 2020

Dear Church Family:
We know first-hand, as do you, how difficult not being able to gather with family, friends and our church family this year is. We also know the inability to connect in-person, while protective against COVID-19, also results in other concerns and unintended consequences. This year has been so hard for so many.

It has been many months since we have been able to worship in-house. As this pandemic persists we want to be sure you know how your pastors and church leadership are managing the many, and sometimes conflicting,
guidelines on current and future use of our church building.

The Book of Discipline states that local decisions on building use belong to our pastors. Our pastors report to the Greater Northwest Area of the United Methodist Church and our Bishop responded to the COVID-19 crisis by
issuing the Reimaging Life Together (RLT) guidelines. These guidelines describe the phases that our church may journey through based upon the gravity of the pandemic.

The Bishop also acknowledged that the guidance provided would perhaps be in conflict with state guidance from time to time. It was made clear that at all times, for the safety and protection of all, that the more restrictive
guidance be followed.

Our Re-Entry Team was one of the first to submit a plan to operate in a RLT Phase 2 capacity. These phases and what they mean for us have been included in our Quick News and posted at the church. RLT Phase 2 allows for up to ten persons in the church building, primarily for church business and virtual worship recording. In addition, small groups can request permission to meet inside the church under certain conditions (group size,
safety protocols, etc. must be outlined prior to approval). Such requests are sent to Stacey Bernal and considered by the LOUMC Re-entry Team.

In November the Bishop released guidance on a RLT Phase 2.1 option. RLT Phase 2.1 allows churches to have inhouse gatherings with up to 25 persons with a strict set of guidelines on conduct, safety etc. To keep current with the pandemic numbers the Conference relies on data from which provides county level data. Data posted each Monday determine if a local church is eligible to apply for transition to RLT Phase 2.1. As of this writing Clackamas County is in the most severe category, the Red Zone (“active or imminent outbreak”).

Simply put, requests to move to Phase 2.1 from churches in the Red or Orange Zone (“at risk of outbreak”) are not being considered because of the risks of COVID-19 exposure and community spread. In addition, the guidance states that “gatherings should be avoided with people outside the immediate household”. With the anticipated spike in post-Thanksgiving cases and possible family gatherings during the Christmas season it is
unlikely our county numbers will drop to a level where we could apply for Phase 2.1 during December.

First you should know that our Re-Entry Team is blessed to have Danna Drum as a member. Danna is currently serving as Strategic Partnerships Lead for the Oregon Health Authority – Public Health Division. She brings broad knowledge, expertise and first-hand insight into our team dynamic.

The governor has responded to the COVID-19 crisis by issuing state-wide and county-specific guidelines based on risk and updates them regularly. Clackamas County is currently in the “extreme risk” category according to
the state guidance. A recent update to the guidelines includes a special category for Faith Institutions which states that gatherings are “limited to a maximum of 25% of capacity or 100 people indoors (whichever is smaller), or 150 people outdoors.” In that same update, note that “Social and at-home gatherings with people from outside your household will be limited to a maximum of six people, with a recommended limit of two households.”

When we review the annual conference RLT guidance with the state guidance, currently the RLT guidance is more restrictive and is what we are required to follow.

After reviewing and studying the guidance from all sources, our pastors and the Re-Entry Team have determined the protocol for our building use. We believe our highest priority is to maintain and protect the well-being and safety of our church family and our community. It is in that spirit that we state the following:

  1. Until further notice the church building may only be occupied by church staff or others on critical church business. Use of the building for the recording of virtual worship is allowed. In no case can more than
    ten persons be in-house at any one time.
  2. Given the current COVID-19 case numbers, small groups (some of whom were approved to meet in the church during Phase 2) will not be allowed to meet inside the church until notified. The current state risk level guidelines for Clackamas County states that in-home gatherings must be limited to six people with a recommendation of no more than two households. Therefore, holding a church gathering in another location other than the church is not something we can faithfully support or condone and puts the church in violation of the Governor’s Executive Orders.
  3. All persons entering the building must sign in and out, wear masks, sanitize hands etc.
  4. Any outdoor gatherings using church property should be pre-approved by the Re-Entry Team to ensure proper distancing and other safety measures are followed. Requests should be sent in writing to Stacey
    Bernal at
  5. Any questions on the above should be addressed to Pastor Michelle or Pastor Jayde.

    Please know that the Re-entry Team does not take these decisions lightly and understands the impact these decisions have on everyone. Please know that we are doing our best to be faithful to who God calls us to be as a community, as well as balancing the many (and growing) physical, spiritual, and emotional needs our church family and community has as the pandemic goes on. We continue to be hope-filled and know that our current circumstances are only for a season. Thank you for your continued prayers as we struggle with these decisions and for your compliance and understanding.

    Grace and peace,

    Jeff Mattern, Church Council Chair
    Deb Gice, Lay Leader
    Rev. Danna Drum, Deacon
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