Our Bishop has laid out a very organized and well thought out plan for us to follow. It is set up in phases (1-4). What happens after Phase 4 is yet to be determined. It will be important to establish new routines that are more protective of public health, and to take forward with us new practices that will make us more resilient if a similar challenge were to (re)emerge. Additional guidance will be provided in the future.

We are currently in Phase 2, which means that our church building is closed and we are not having in-person gatherings (up to 10 essential workers may be in the building at one time).
There are three requirements which must be met before any church can move from any phase to the next:

1 – The Bishop allows that transition
2 – Governmental guidance is not more restrictive then our Phase 2 steps
3 – Our church must submit a plan for moving into Phase 2 to the DS and have it approved. 

A Reentry Task Force has been formed at LOUMC. 
Their job is to develop a plan to prepare our church to move into the next phase. This core group will call upon others in the congregation to help as the need arises. Your LOUMC reentry team is:
Rev. Michelle McKinnon-Young, Senior Pastor
Jeff Mattern, Church Council Chair
Deb Gice, Lay Leader
Danna Drum, Oregon Public Health and Deacon
Jenny Cook, OHSU, policy
Stacey Bernal, Program and Clergy Admin
Connelly Woody, Trustee
Jayde Dunkerly, Associate Pastor (beginning July 1)

Please feel free to direct any questions to the Reentry Team members.
We will keep you posted each step of the way by posting our current phase on entryways and in the QuickNews. This phased approach helps us guard the health and safety of our church family and staff!
We look forward to the days when we can all meet together again!
Contact Us

Contact Us

1855 South Shore Blvd, Lake Oswego, OR 97034

Office Hours

Monday through Thursday
9:00am until 3:00pm

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