Worship Services

Reset: A New Normal Week 3

Reset: A New Normal Week 3

Leap of Faith: Leaving Egypt; Red Sea Crossing We’ll be reading Exodus 12: 29-39 (Egypt Mourns; the Israelites leave while the bread is still rising) and Exodus 14 (Crossing the Red Sea) to prepare for the sermon. As we follow the Israelites across the “never land-like” Judean wilderness, we may find ourselves in a similar place of wandering and make…

Reset: A New Normal Week 2

Reset: A New Normal Week 2

Talk to the Hand – Letting Go; Leaving Home This week, Pastor Michelle continues her sermon series on Exodus called “Reset: A New Normal – Making Good Use of a Crisis Through the Narrative of Journey.” In this week’s sermon, “Talk to the Hand! Letting Go; Leaving Home,” Moses doesn’t want to leave home, but God doesn’t take “no” for…

Reset: A New Normal Week 1

Reset: A New Normal Week 1

The Times They Are a Changing This Sunday, Pastor Michelle begins a TIMELY NEW SERIES entitled RESET: A New Normal Making Good Use of a Crisis through the Narrative of Journey. Join us over the next several weeks as we trek with the Israelites across the “never land-like” Judean wilderness. As we find ourselves in a similar place of wandering,…

A Different Kind of Easter

A Different Kind of Easter

He is risen! He is risen indeed! COVID-19 could not keep Easter away! Join LOUMC for a “Social Distancing” Easter service with music, scripture and a rousing sermon from Pastor Michelle. “A Different Kind of Easter” will certainly be different, but we have included traditional elements to make you feel at home! Hallelujah! Christ is risen! The darkness has turned…

Palm Sunday Worship

Palm Sunday Worship

We Make the Road By Walking: A Narrative that Never Gets Old Welcome to Online Worship You can keep this order of worship open in another tab on your computer or print a copy to follow along. A Palm Sunday Call to Worship Bob Pearson This is the day that the Lord has made:     let us rejoice and be glad in…

The Contemporary Monastic, Week 5: Worship – Responding to Divine Initiative and Entering with Holy Expectancy

The Contemporary Monastic, Week 5: Worship – Responding to Divine Initiative and Entering with Holy Expectancy

Pastor Michelle continues her Lenten Sermon Series, The Contemporary Monastic with Week Five, ” Worship: Responding to Divine Initiative and Entering with Holy Expectancy.”  If you subscribe to our QuickNews, you received a special Sunday Worship QuickNews on Sunday morning that included the order of worship. You can print it or keep it on another tab on your computer to follow along during the service! A variety of…

The Contemporary Monastic, Week 3: Work (Manual Labor and More): Participating in Creation

The Contemporary Monastic, Week 3: Work (Manual Labor and More): Participating in Creation

For this week’s online-only worship, Pastor Michelle continued her lenten series “The Contemporary Monastic” with Work Read Genesis 1: 1-31 (the first creation story) and consider the questions below as you hear the message. Questions for Reflection: 1. What was the best job/task you ever had and what made it so? What makes work meaningful? Describe your philosophy or work…

The Contemporary Monastic Week 2: Humility – An Unpopular or Suspect Virtue

The Contemporary Monastic Week 2: Humility – An Unpopular or Suspect Virtue

Pastor Michelle continues her sermon series called “The Contemporary Monastic” here with another discipline for Lent in “Week 2 – Humility: An Unpopular or Suspect Virtue.” Read John 13: 1-17 & Selections from Philippians 2 and consider the questions below in preparation for the message. Questions for This sermon (and beyond) 1. What are the greatest gifts in practicing humility?…

The Contemporary Monastic Week 1: Listening to and Praying the Scriptures

The Contemporary Monastic Week 1: Listening to and Praying the Scriptures

Among all the liturgical seasons, Lent has great meaning for many of the faith. The minor keys transport us to a quiet place – a liminal space, yet safe. The spartan altar with simple jute burlap and understated accoutrements bring calm to much too cluttered lives. And the resounding call to introspection and contrition is palpable as we vow death…

Did You Get My Letter?

Did You Get My Letter?

A Celebration of the Life and Legacy of Nancy Weygint On February 23, we heard about another letter to the church; a special letter to LOUMC from Nancy Weygint. Nancy passed away on January 4, 2019 leaving a very generous bequest to the church. We celebrated her life and legacy this Sunday and the Bequest Team shared with us the…

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