Rev. Clay Andrew

The People and Promises of God

The People and Promises of God

The People and Promises of God What does it mean to say that we’re “the people of God?” As we begin the season of Lent our worship theme will be “The People and Promises of God.” We’ll hear stories of the ways that God’s faithfulness shapes us for faithful living. Familiar stories from both the Old and New Testaments will…

Deep Waters, Deep Life

Deep Waters, Deep Life

Deep Waters, Deep Life The sacrament of baptism declares that we are initiated into the Body of Christ, cleansed of our sin, and called to live boldly as members of Christ’s Church. As we remember our baptism, we remember the vows that we made to live deeply. Join us Sunday January 28 for worship from the Sanctuary at 10:30 or…

“To Be Revealed”

“To Be Revealed”

To Be Revealed This Sunday is Epiphany. The magi bring gifts to the Christ Child and their gifts reveal him as Lord of all. Join us this Sunday for worship from the Sanctuary at 10:30 or any time after.  Read Matthew 2:1-12 and Ephesians 3:1-12 in preparation for Sunday’s sermon “To Be Revealed.”  You can download the bulletins from January 4 or January 7 QuickNews…

We Hope: Advent 4

We Hope: Advent 4

We Hope: Advent 4 This Sunday will be the Fourth Sunday in Advent. Mary’s song of praise is a song of defiant hope – that in the Christ Child there is something more than just OK news, but the definitive act of God to enter into our world to love it into redemption. Our hope is founded on the idea that…

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Join us at 9:00pm on December 24 or any time after, for the Traditional Candlelight Service at Lake Oswego UMC. We will enjoy music from our Chancel Choir, Vesper Bells and organist along with some favorite carols. It is a beautiful service and a good way to remember the reason for the season. You can download…

We Rejoice

We Rejoice

We Rejoice This Sunday will be the Third Sunday in Advent. We rejoice, not only because we get to see friends and family and feast with one another, but because the oppression, injustice and violence of the world are not final. Christ comes to begin the work of setting the world right. Join us on Sunday morning, December 17, for the…

We Prepare: Advent 2

We Prepare: Advent 2

We Prepare: Advent 2 This Sunday is the Second Sunday in Advent. Waiting in Advent is not just passive. It is a chance to prepare. Just as when we wait for the arrival of family members, we make our homes ready, as we await the arrival of Christ, we make our lives and world ready. Join us on Sunday morning, December…

We Wait

We Wait

We Wait This Sunday is the First Sunday in Advent. As much as we want to celebrate the holiday season, Advent is not about rushing ahead, but about waiting with joyful anticipation what to see what God is unveiling. Join us on Sunday morning for worship and communion at 9:00 in the Fellowship Hall or 10:30 in the Sanctuary.  You can view…

Who’s the Boss?

Who’s the Boss?

Who’s the Boss? “Reign of Christ Sunday” reminds us of the place of Christ not only in our own lives, but in the world – that ultimately it is Love who reigns. Join us Sunday morning, November 26th at 10:30am (or later) for online worship.   Read Matthew 25:31-46 and Ephesians 1:15-23 in preparation for Sunday’s sermon “Who’s the Boss?”…

Where Our Treasure Is

Where Our Treasure Is

Where Our Treasure Is Scripture talks about possession more than any other subject. Why? Jesus gives us a good answer – where our treasure is, our hearts will be. That’s the inverse of how we often think of it – that we give support to the things we already love. Jesus’ challenging words invite us to see it the other…

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1855 South Shore Blvd, Lake Oswego, OR 97034

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Monday through Thursday
9:00am until 3:00pm

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