
Stories that Hurt and Heal

Stories that Hurt and Heal

Stories that Hurt and Heal: Holy Vessels – A Lenten Season of Recovery and Discovery: Week 3 This Sunday we continue our Lenten season of recovery and discovery as we focus on mental health. Stories that we tell ourselves or those that have shaped us over the years, can both hurt and heal, either moving us forward or hijacking our…

Bound Together

Bound Together

Bound Together – Holy Vessels: A Lenten Season of Recovery and Discovery Week 2 This Sunday we continue our Lenten season of recovery and discovery today as we focus on health as essential to our spiritual lives. God gathers us as a Beachcomber gathers and marvels at every precious surviving piece of beach glass she finds. We are never alone,…

Tumbled Treasures

Tumbled Treasures

Holy VesselsA Lenten Season ofRecovery and Discovery Week 1:  Tumbled Treasures Beach glass begins as something whole and yet discarded. As it is tumbled by the sea, it is broken and polished until it becomes a treasured “mineral gem.”  We do not embrace that suffering is necessary or God-given, but that suffering is a part of life. Lent is a…

Just Say the Word

Just Say the Word

Jesus and Power Week 1: Just Say the Word Given the week we have had, with ice storms and widespread power outages, Pastors Michelle and Jayde will be leading us in a different style of worship to begin our Lenten journey. Jayde and Michelle Zoomed from their respective homes to bring us the first sermon in their Lenten series “The…

The Contemporary Monastic, Week 5: Worship – Responding to Divine Initiative and Entering with Holy Expectancy

The Contemporary Monastic, Week 5: Worship – Responding to Divine Initiative and Entering with Holy Expectancy

Pastor Michelle continues her Lenten Sermon Series, The Contemporary Monastic with Week Five, ” Worship: Responding to Divine Initiative and Entering with Holy Expectancy.”  If you subscribe to our QuickNews, you received a special Sunday Worship QuickNews on Sunday morning that included the order of worship. You can print it or keep it on another tab on your computer to follow along during the service! A variety of…

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