Bounty: A Stewardship Series: Week 3

Pastor Michelle continues her stewarship series with a partner, Cecil Denney, in a dialogical sermon. Read Matthew 6: 19-21 and Malachi 3:10 and consider the questions below in preparation for the sermon, “When You Run out of Room… (in your heart and more!)”

Questions for Reflection (in the sermon and beyond)

  1. Talk about the joy you receive when giving to the church financially. Do you practice tithing? Why or why not? Share your story about tithing or stepping up to a higher financial goal.
  2. What does it mean to live sacrificially? Respond to the anecdote Michelle offers about living this way.
  3. What worries might you have around money? Are they real or based in fear? Talk about God’s provision throughout your life.
  4. How is all giving an act of faith? A response of love?
  5. Where is your treasure and heart these days?
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