Pastor Michelle tackles a tough subject in this sermon; one that is relevant to all of us: Prayer. Be sure to read Luke 11: 1-13 and consider the questions below in preparation for Sunday’s sermon Between Questions and Answers: [Profound] Opportunity! 

Sermon Questions:

What comes between questions and answers for you—spiritual or otherwise? How satisfying are the solutions? Is every question answerable?
How do questions unite us?
Think about persistence. Is it a quality you admire or possess? Or does it depend on the situation?
Reflect and respond to The Week news blurb that Pastor Michelle shared during the sermon.
Think about your understanding of Prayer:  your use of it, it’s ‘effectiveness’,  its purpose etc.  What does the Lord’s Prayer mean to you?

Like what you are hearing? Have more questions? Visit us at, or in person! Everyone is welcome at Lake Oswego United Methodist Church.

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