Author page: Pam Pearson

To Love, to Resist

To Love, to Resist

To Love, to Resist Jesus tells us to love our enemies. But does that mean to sit passively as they do harm to us and our neighbors? Or is Jesus inviting us to see a new way of living with our opponents? How are Christians called to confront the wrongs of this world with love? Read Luke 6:27-38 and Genesis 45:3-11,…

We Belong Together

We Belong Together

We Belong Together We’ll be welcoming new members into LOUMC, including a celebration of the sacrament of baptism. And in the vows we make together, we’ll remember that this community is a gift of God to us. And we’ll remember that, in Christ we belong to one another. Join us live at 10:00 on September 29 or watch the replay…

All Together Now?

All Together Now?

All Together Now? Jesus sometimes says shocking things. Weird things. Unsettling things. His harsh words from this reading are among the strangest and hardest to understand. Why does a Gospel that calls us together also seem to cleave us apart? Join us live on Sunday, June 25 at 10:00 (or watch any time after) for Pastor Clay’s sermon “All Together…

Signs: Glimpses of What Could Be

Signs: Glimpses of What Could Be

Glimpses of What Could Be Human Relations and Unity Sunday Join us as we welcome our Columbia District Superintendent Tim Overton-Harris this Sunday for ONE SERVICE at 10:00. As we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr., Humans Relations Day, and Week of Prayer for Christian Unity we are reminded of what God dreams us to be. It isn’t the miracle, it’s what…

Resurgence of the Psalms Week 1

Resurgence of the Psalms Week 1

Introduction to the Psalms & A Psalm of Intimacy Join us on the front porch this Sunday at 9:30am.Pastor Michelle will begin the June sermon series, Resurgence of the Psalms! Read Psalm 8 and Psalm 139 in preparation for the sermon, Week 1: Introducing the Psalms and a Psalm of Intimacy. The video will be available beginning on Sunday, June 6.

A Different Kind of Easter

A Different Kind of Easter

He is risen! He is risen indeed! COVID-19 could not keep Easter away! Join LOUMC for a “Social Distancing” Easter service with music, scripture and a rousing sermon from Pastor Michelle. “A Different Kind of Easter” will certainly be different, but we have included traditional elements to make you feel at home! Hallelujah! Christ is risen! The darkness has turned…

Palm Sunday Worship

Palm Sunday Worship

We Make the Road By Walking: A Narrative that Never Gets Old Welcome to Online Worship You can keep this order of worship open in another tab on your computer or print a copy to follow along. A Palm Sunday Call to Worship Bob Pearson This is the day that the Lord has made:     let us rejoice and be glad in…

The Contemporary Monastic, Week 3: Work (Manual Labor and More): Participating in Creation

The Contemporary Monastic, Week 3: Work (Manual Labor and More): Participating in Creation

For this week’s online-only worship, Pastor Michelle continued her lenten series “The Contemporary Monastic” with Work Read Genesis 1: 1-31 (the first creation story) and consider the questions below as you hear the message. Questions for Reflection: 1. What was the best job/task you ever had and what made it so? What makes work meaningful? Describe your philosophy or work…

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