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Likewise As we get ready to send our youth on their mission trip, we’ll re-examine the familiar story of the Good Samaritan – the same thematic scripture that was used at our Annual Conference worship services. Who are we in this story? Why is it such a compelling story and how might we let it guide our work in the…

Farewell and Vaya Con Dios!

Farewell and Vaya Con Dios!

Farewell and Vaya Con Dios! This Sunday we will celebrate our High School seniors, their accomplishments and their futures. Read Psalm 8, 2 Corinthians 13:11-13 in preparation for Pastor Clay’s sermon Farewell and Vaya Con Dios! Join us live on Sunday, June 4 at 10:00 (or watch any time after). You can download the bulletin from the June 1 or June 4…

Cretans, Creeps, and Christians: How We Go into the World

Cretans, Creeps, and Christians:   How We Go into the World

Cretans, Creeps, and Christians: How We Go into the World This Sunday is Pentecost, one of the most important feast days of the year that concludes the Easter season and celebrates the beginning of the Church.  Pentecost is the celebration of the Holy Spirit coming upon the Apostles, Mary, and the first followers of Jesus, who were gathered together in…

What Are We Doing? How to Worship Faithfully

What Are We Doing? How to Worship Faithfully

What Are We Doing? How to Worship Faithfully Pastor Clay continues his Eastertide “how-to” series this Sunday with a sermon about worship.  Read Acts 1:1-11 and Amos 5:21-24 in preparation for Sunday’s sermon, “What Are We Doing? How to Worship Faithfully.” Join us live on Sunday, May 21 at 9:00 (or watch any time after). You can download the bulletin from the May…

Simple Governance at LOUMC

Simple Governance at LOUMC Our church leadership has been studying and considering the Simple Governance structure since 2016 when first introduced to the concept. We have interviewed the author of the book “Simple Governance”, met with several churches who have transitioned to single board structures and consulted our District Superintendent who recommends this change. And, lest we forget, Pastor Clay…

Extremely Religious? How to Talk About Jesus

Extremely Religious? How to Talk About Jesus

Extremely Religious? How to Talk About Jesus Pastor Clay continues his Easter Season “how-to” series this Sunday with a sermon on how to talk about Jesus. Read Acts 17:22-31 and John 14:15-21 in preparation for his sermon “Extremely Religious?: How to Talk About Jesus.” Join us live on Sunday, May 14 at 9:00 (or watch any time after). You can download the bulletin…

Stones and Stones: How to Build Up the Church

Stones and Stones: How to Build Up the Church

Easter 5Stones and Stones: How to Build Up the Church As we continue our Easter Season worship, Pastor Clay will begin a “how to” series for the church. This Sunday, he will talk about how to build up the church with Christ as our cornerstone. Read 1 Peter 2:2-10 and Acts 7:55-60 in preparation for his sermon “Stones and Stones: How to…

Youth Sunday 2023

Youth Sunday 2023

Youth Sunday 2023 This Sunday we have the special pleasure of learning from our Youth! They have been working hard to prepare a meaningful worship service with special music and communion for us! Remember this is a combined service at 10:00am in the Sanctuary! Read John 10:1-10 and Psalm 23 in preparation for sermonettes by seniors Camden Cook and Madeline Kramer. Join…

Sneaky Jesus

Sneaky Jesus

Sneaky Jesus As we continue with our worship this Easter season, we find two of Jesus’ followers on the road to Emmaus feeling sad and confused about all that had happened with His arrest, crucifixion and empty tomb. When a “stranger” begins to walk with them…. Read Luke 24:13-35 in preparation for Pastor Clay’s sermon “Sneaky Jesus.” Join us live at 9:00…

Faithful Thomas

Faithful Thomas

Faithful Thomas Did you know Easter is not just one day? It is an entire season in the church! It begins on the evening of Easter Sunday and ends on Pentecost. Easter Season is a time we continue to learn to live in the way of Jesus and to focus on the mysteries of our faith. This Sunday we will learn about Thomas,…

I Don’t Know

I Don’t Know

I Don’t Know Easter Sunday Celebrate the Risen Christ with Lake Oswego UMC! The service will be full of music and joy and we will celebrate Holy communion! Have some bread/crackers and juice/water/coffee ready so you can join us at the table. Read John 20:1-18 in preparation for Pastor Clay’s sermon “I Don’t Know.” Join us live at 9:00 on April 9…

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9:00am until 3:00pm

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