Author page: admin

Blessing Our Graduates and Their Journey

Blessing Our Graduates and Their Journey

This Sunday we celebrate a special milestone in the lives of our graduating high school seniors. We will hear from the graduates as well as Pastor Michelle, Children’s Education and Youth Director Stacey Bernal, the UMW and the Reed family. Read Proverbs 3: 1-6 & 13-14 in preparation for the message. We also celebrate our fathers and have a special…

Reset: A New Normal Week 7

Reset: A New Normal Week 7

Crossing the Jordan (If Rocks Could Talk) As we continue travelling with the Israelites this week, Joshua leads them across the river Jordan into the promised land! Read Joshua 1: 1-9; Joshua 3: 14-17; Joshua 4: 1-3, 9 as you prepare for this Sunday’s sermon, “Crossing the Jordan (If Rocks Could Talk).” The songlist for this week’s worship is: “As…

Reset: A New Normal Week 6

Reset: A New Normal Week 6

Giants in the Land…When You’re Scared of Getting What You Want This Sunday, Pastor Michelle continues her series “Reset: A New Normal – Making Good Use of a Crisis Through the Narrative of Journey.” As we continue to travel with the Israelites this week, they reach the edge of the promised land but hear there may be giants and are…

Reset: A New Normal Week 5

Reset: A New Normal Week 5

So You Wanna Go Back to Egypt?? Pastor Michelle continues her sermon series, Reset: A New Normal. Making Good Use of a Crisis Through the Narrative of Journey: An After Easter Series in Disquieting Times. As we continue to follow the Israelites this week, they are tired of travelling and eating manna and are ready to head back to Egypt!…

Reset: A New Normal Week 4

Reset: A New Normal Week 4

Are We There Yet?The Roundabout Way Pastor Michelle continues her sermon series, Reset: A New Normal – Making Good Use of a Crisis Through the Narrative of Journey: An After Easter Series in Disquieting Times. As we continue to follow the Israelites, God will take them and Moses the long way around in Exodus 13: 17-22 (The Roundabout Way, the…

Reset: A New Normal Week 3

Reset: A New Normal Week 3

Leap of Faith: Leaving Egypt; Red Sea Crossing We’ll be reading Exodus 12: 29-39 (Egypt Mourns; the Israelites leave while the bread is still rising) and Exodus 14 (Crossing the Red Sea) to prepare for the sermon. As we follow the Israelites across the “never land-like” Judean wilderness, we may find ourselves in a similar place of wandering and make…

Reset: A New Normal Week 2

Reset: A New Normal Week 2

Talk to the Hand – Letting Go; Leaving Home This week, Pastor Michelle continues her sermon series on Exodus called “Reset: A New Normal – Making Good Use of a Crisis Through the Narrative of Journey.” In this week’s sermon, “Talk to the Hand! Letting Go; Leaving Home,” Moses doesn’t want to leave home, but God doesn’t take “no” for…

Reset: A New Normal Week 1

Reset: A New Normal Week 1

The Times They Are a Changing This Sunday, Pastor Michelle begins a TIMELY NEW SERIES entitled RESET: A New Normal Making Good Use of a Crisis through the Narrative of Journey. Join us over the next several weeks as we trek with the Israelites across the “never land-like” Judean wilderness. As we find ourselves in a similar place of wandering,…

Reset: A New Normal

Reset: A New Normal

I love to travel. My appetite for it is insatiable. I married a kindred spirit. But, as I typically have an every-Sunday gig (as does the preacher’s husband) weekends are not usually our own. This makes spontaneous and even planned getaways, tricky, so we never travel as liberally as we’d like.  Over here at the church parsonage, we feed our…

Redeeming Time

Redeeming Time

To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.`                                                                                                        ~Ecclesiastes 3: 1 For all of us who dreamed of extra time to clean out those drawers, organize the garage, rid our closets of tagged or unworn clothing, organize our spice cabinets and/or finally read that book we ordered months ago off Amazon, it appears the…

The Contemporary Monastic, Week 5: Worship – Responding to Divine Initiative and Entering with Holy Expectancy

The Contemporary Monastic, Week 5: Worship – Responding to Divine Initiative and Entering with Holy Expectancy

Pastor Michelle continues her Lenten Sermon Series, The Contemporary Monastic with Week Five, ” Worship: Responding to Divine Initiative and Entering with Holy Expectancy.”  If you subscribe to our QuickNews, you received a special Sunday Worship QuickNews on Sunday morning that included the order of worship. You can print it or keep it on another tab on your computer to follow along during the service! A variety of…

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