They say, “Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.” How we deal with change makes all the difference! Pastor Michelle continues her Transitions Sermon Series: Make Sense of Life’s Changes here with her sermon When Something New Calls You…

Read Luke 15: 11-24 and consider the questions below in preparation for the sermon.

Questions for Reflection

1. From whence does your call to newness/adventure come? Inside or outside yourself? Before you set out, how can you (did you) test its validity? What’s at stake?

2. Talk about certain times/junctures in your life when you have felt most restless. Are you aware, why? How did you make “sense” of your feelings? What did you DO about it?

3. Where are you being called next? What within you needs to die so something new can begin?

1 Comment

  • Stacey
    Posted September 30, 2019 2:51 pm 0Likes

    Thank you Pastor Michelle! I really needed this sermon today!

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